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PRODUCT REVIEW Review - Pros, Cons and Features

April 17, 2024

Share on Best Project Management Tool for You?


Customizable workflows
User-friendly interface
Integrates with many popular tools


Pricing plans can be quite expensive
Limited automation options
Limited customer support

Starts at $27 per month for 3 users on the Basic plan​


Choosing the right project management tool is important for team efficiency and success., a popular name in this domain, promises a blend of versatility and user-friendliness. Let's get deep into what offers, its features, pricing, integration capabilities, and pros and cons, to help you decide if it's the perfect fit for your team's unique needs.

What is stands out as a versatile Work Operating System (Work OS) designed to streamline teamwork and project management across various industries. It's more than just a tool, it's an all-encompassing platform that adapts to the diverse needs of different businesses.

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, offers a solution to manage projects, track progress, and facilitate team collaboration. Its visually appealing interface is not only easy on the eyes but also simplifies complex projects into manageable components. review

Main Features

At its core, offers a range of features from customizable workflows to integrations, each tailored to enhance team productivity. Let's dive deeper into these features:

Customizable Workflows

One of's standout features is its highly customizable workflows. You can create boards for various projects and tailor them to fit your specific process. Whether you're tracking a marketing campaign, a software development project, or managing HR processes,'s flexibility allows you to set up a workflow that aligns with your team's needs.

Task Management

Effective task management is crucial for any project, and excels in this area. You can create tasks, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and track progress. The platform also allows you to add priority levels, making it easy to identify what needs immediate attention.

Visual Project Tracking

The platform’s strong visual elements make tracking the progress of projects straightforward and intuitive. With features like Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and calendar views, you have a clear visual representation of where everything stands at a glance.

Team Collaboration Tools fosters team collaboration through its shared boards, document attachments, and communication features. Team members can comment on tasks, share updates, and collaborate in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.


To streamline workflow and reduce manual work, offers automation features. This automation can handle repetitive tasks like sending notifications, updating task statuses, and assigning tasks, allowing the team to focus on more critical work.


The platform integrates with a multitude of other tools, such as email, calendar apps, file storage services, and more. This integration capability ensures that can fit seamlessly into your existing workflow, connecting with tools your team already uses.

Reporting and Analytics

For data-driven decision-making, provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. You can track project performance, monitor team productivity, and generate insights that help in continuous improvement.

Monday review

User Experience and Interface

Upon first login, greets users with an intuitive interface, but let's go into how user-friendly this setup process really is. New users are welcomed with a clean, modern design that balances simplicity with functionality.

The onboarding process is streamlined and interactive, guiding users through the setup with helpful tips and tutorials. This approach is particularly beneficial for those who might be new to project management tools, as it reduces the initial learning curve significantly.

The setup process allows users to customize their workspace right from the start, letting them choose templates that match their industry or project type. This level of personalization from the get-go ensures that users can hit the ground running, with a workspace that feels tailored to their needs.

Navigating the Dashboard

The heart of is its dashboard; a well-organized, visually appealing space where projects come to life. The dashboard design is a testament to's commitment to user experience – it's both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

Users can quickly navigate between different boards, view tasks at a glance, and access various features without feeling overwhelmed. One of the standout aspects of the dashboard is its customization capability. Users can create multiple dashboards to monitor different projects or aspects of their work.

Each dashboard can be tailored with widgets and overviews, providing a high-level view of project statuses, timelines, and performance metrics. This level of customization ensures that each team member can create a workspace that best suits their role and responsibilities.

Ease of Task Management

Managing tasks on is a seamless experience. The platform allows for easy creation and assignment of tasks, with drag-and-drop functionality that makes organizing and prioritizing tasks straightforward.

Each task can be expanded to view more details, including descriptions, subtasks, files, and communication threads. This centralized view of task-related information enhances clarity and helps in keeping everything organized.

Collaboration Features excels in facilitating team collaboration. Within the platform, team members can comment on tasks, share files, and give updates.

The real-time update feature ensures that everyone is immediately informed of any changes or new comments, fostering a collaborative environment. This instant communication capability is particularly useful for remote teams, as it helps in bridging the gap caused by physical distance.

Mobile Experience

Recognizing the need for on-the-go access, offers a mobile app that mirrors the functionality of its desktop counterpart. The mobile app is intuitive, and well-designed, and allows users to manage tasks, communicate with team members, and receive notifications, ensuring productivity even when away from the office. offers a superior user experience and interface. Its intuitive design, ease of navigation, comprehensive task management, robust collaboration features, and effective mobile application make it an excellent tool for managing projects and enhancing team productivity.


Deep Dive into the Features

Task Creation and Assignment: Easily create and assign tasks to team members.

Subtasks and Detailed Organization: Break down complex tasks into manageable subtasks.

Statuses and Prioritization: Assign priorities and statuses to tasks for better visibility and tracking.

Task management is the backbone of any project management tool; here's how handles this critical element. The platform enables comprehensive task management, allowing users to create tasks, set deadlines, assign them to team members, and track their progress.

Each task can be broken down into subtasks, making complex projects more manageable. The ability to add labels, priorities, and statuses helps teams quickly identify the stage of each task, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

Collaboration Tools

Message Boards: Facilitate discussions and updates on project boards.

File Sharing: Attach files directly to tasks for easy access and reference.

Integrated Communication Tools: Seamlessly connect with email and chat tools for continuous communication.

Collaboration is where aims to shine, offering a suite of tools designed for team synergy. The platform facilitates effective team communication with features like message boards, where team members can discuss projects and share updates. Additionally, the ability to attach files directly to tasks and boards, and the integration of communication tools like email and chat, make it easy for teams to stay connected and aligned, regardless of their physical location.

Customization and Flexibility

Customizable Workflows: Tailor templates and workflows to fit specific project needs.

Custom Fields and Views: Add custom fields and choose from various viewing options like Kanban, list, or calendar views.

Automation of Routine Tasks: Automate repetitive tasks to increase efficiency and reduce errors.

Flexibility in customization allows to cater to diverse team needs – but how extensive are these customization options? Users can tailor nearly every aspect of their workspace. From choosing and modifying templates to fit specific workflows to creating custom fields and automating routine tasks, the level of customization is impressive. This flexibility ensures that can adapt to various project requirements and team sizes.

Visual Project Tracking

Gantt Charts: Visualize project timelines and dependencies.

Kanban Boards: Get a clear view of task statuses in a visual format.

Calendar Views: Manage deadlines and schedules effectively.

The platform’s strong visual elements make tracking the progress of projects straightforward and intuitive. With features like Gantt charts, users can visualize project timelines and dependencies. Kanban boards offer a clear view of task statuses, and calendar views help in scheduling and deadline tracking. These visual tools not only aid in project management but also enhance transparency and accountability within teams.


Automated Task Management: Set up tasks to move stages or update statuses automatically.

Notification Automations: Receive automated notifications for deadlines and important updates.

Task Assignment Automation: Automate the assignment of tasks based on specific triggers or conditions.

To streamline workflow and reduce manual work, offers automation features. This automation can be set up to perform a variety of tasks, such as moving a task to a different stage when its status is updated, sending notifications when a deadline is approaching, or assigning tasks based on specific triggers. These automated processes save time and reduce the likelihood of human error, allowing teams to focus on more strategic work.


Wide Range of Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with tools like Slack, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams.

Centralized Work Hub: Keep all project-related activities in one place, regardless of the tools used.

Enhanced Utility: Use as a central hub without losing the functionality of other software.

The platform integrates with a multitude of other tools, such as email, calendar apps, file storage services, and more. This means teams can centralize their work within without losing the functionality of their other favorite tools. The seamless integration with popular software like Slack, Google Workspace, and Microsoft Teams enhances the platform's utility, making it a central hub for all project-related activities.

Reporting and Analytics

Customizable Reports: Generate reports tailored to specific project or team needs.

Performance Tracking: Monitor project progress and team performance.

Resource Allocation Insights: Gain insights into how resources are being utilized and managed.

For data-driven decision-making, provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. Teams can generate reports to track various metrics, such as project progress, team performance, and resource allocation. These insights are crucial for evaluating the success of projects and identifying areas for improvement. The ability to customize reports and dashboards means that each team can focus on the metrics that matter most to them.

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Integrations and Add-ons

Integrating seamlessly with other tools is a critical aspect of any project management platform. excels in this area, offering a wide range of integrations that enhance its utility and flexibility. These integrations facilitate a unified workflow, allowing teams to combine their favorite tools with’s robust project management features. Key integrations include:

  • Communication Tools: Integrations with platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom make communication effortless, allowing teams to stay connected within the context of their projects.

  • File Management: Seamlessly connect with Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive for easy access and management of files.

  • CRM and Marketing Tools: Integrate with popular CRM software like Salesforce, as well as marketing tools like Mailchimp, to streamline customer relationship management and marketing campaigns.

These integrations are not just about connecting different software; they are about creating a more cohesive and efficient working environment. By integrating these tools, ensures that information flows smoothly between different platforms, reducing the need for manual data transfer and minimizing the risk of errors.

Additional Features through Add-ons

Beyond its core features, offers a range of add-ons to enhance its functionality. These add-ons allow teams to extend the capabilities of the platform, tailoring it to their specific needs. Some of the key add-ons include:

  • Time Tracking: This add-on allows teams to track the time spent on individual tasks, providing insights into productivity and helping with workload management.

  • Advanced Analytics: For teams that need deeper insights into their projects and workflows, the advanced analytics add-on offers comprehensive reporting tools and data analysis capabilities.

  • Budget Management: Essential for teams managing large projects, this add-on helps in tracking expenses, forecasting costs, and maintaining budget control.

Additionally,’s API allows for custom integrations, enabling businesses to connect the platform with their in-house tools or other software not covered by the standard integrations. This level of customization ensures that can adapt to the unique technological ecosystem of any organization.


Pricing and Plans offers a tiered pricing structure designed to accommodate the needs and budgets of various teams and organizations. Each plan comes with a distinct set of features, allowing users to choose the one that best fits their project management requirements. Please check their website to check updated pricing or any changes. The main plans include:

1. Individual Plan

Aimed at freelancers and individual users, this free plan offers basic functionalities for task management and is a good starting point for those new to

Price: Free​​.

Ideal for: Freelancers and individuals.

Features: Limited functionalities for task management, suitable for getting acquainted with

2. Basic Plan

This plan is a step up from the Individual Plan and is designed for small teams that need more project tracking features. It includes additional storage space and more advanced task management options.

Price: $8 per user per month (billed annually, $96/user/year)​​​​.

Ideal for: Small teams needing more project tracking features.

Features: Includes unlimited items, 5 GB file storage, prioritized customer support, and the ability to create a dashboard based on 1 board.

3. Standard Plan

Ideal for growing teams, the Standard Plan introduces timeline and Gantt chart views, guest access, and automation features, enhancing the overall project management capabilities.

Price: $10 per user per month (billed annually, $120/user/year)​​​​.

Ideal for: Growing teams requiring additional functionality like timeline and Gantt chart views.

Features: Offers guest access, automation features, and enhanced project management capabilities.

4. Pro Plan

This plan is tailored for larger teams and organizations needing complex workflow integrations, time tracking, and advanced reporting features.

Price: $16 per user per month (billed annually, $228/user/year)​​​​.

Ideal for: Larger teams and organizations needing advanced reporting and complex workflow integrations.

Features: Includes time tracking, advanced reporting features, and higher levels of customization and automation.

5. Enterprise Plan

Offering the highest level of functionality, including advanced security features, multi-level permissions, and tailored onboarding, the Enterprise Plan is designed for large organizations with extensive project management needs.

Price: Customized pricing, tailored to the specific needs of each organization​​​​.

Ideal for: Large enterprises requiring extensive project management features and advanced security.

Features: Advanced security features, multi-level permissions, tailored onboarding, and premium support.

Each plan is priced per user, making it scalable depending on the size of the team. The platform also offers flexibility with monthly and annual billing options, with the latter typically providing a cost-saving advantage.

Comparing Value for Money

When evaluating the value for money, it's crucial to consider the specific needs of your team or organization. The Individual Plan, while free, offers limited features but is a great way to explore the basic functionalities of Small to medium-sized teams may find the Basic or Standard Plans more aligned with their needs, offering a balance of features and affordability.

The Pro Plan, while more expensive, provides extensive features that can significantly boost productivity and efficiency for larger teams. For enterprises, the investment in the Enterprise Plan can be justified by the advanced security features, personalized support, and extensive customization options, ensuring that the platform can be tailored to fit complex organizational structures and workflows.'s pricing structure is designed to cater to a wide range of users, from individual freelancers to large enterprises. Knowing the needs of your team and the specific features required is key to choosing the most cost-effective plan. With its flexible pricing and a wide array of features at different levels, presents itself as a viable solution for various project management and collaboration needs.

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Pros and Cons Pros offers a suite of features that make it a strong contender in the project management tool market. Here are some of its notable advantages:

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is known for its intuitive and visually appealing interface, making it easy for new users to adapt and for teams to manage their projects efficiently.

  • High Customization Level: With extensive customization options for workflows, dashboards, and reports, caters to a wide variety of business needs and preferences.

  • Robust Collaboration Features: The platform excels in facilitating team collaboration with features like message boards, file sharing, and real-time updates, keeping teams connected and aligned.

  • Comprehensive Integrations:'s ability to integrate with a wide range of other tools and software enhances its utility, allowing it to fit seamlessly into existing workflows.

  • Powerful Automation Capabilities: Automation of routine tasks helps in saving time and reducing manual errors, contributing to overall efficiency and productivity.

  • Strong Mobile App: The mobile app is well-designed, ensuring that users can stay productive and connected even when on the go.

  • Scalable Plans for Different Needs: With a range of pricing plans, is accessible to individuals, small businesses, and large corporations, making it a versatile choice. Cons

Despite its many strengths, also has areas that could be improved or might be considered drawbacks for certain users:

  • Pricing for Small Teams: The cost can be a bit steep for smaller teams or startups, especially when looking for more advanced features available in higher-tier plans.

  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While the interface is user-friendly, the sheer number of features and customizations can be overwhelming for new users, requiring a learning period.

  • Limited Free Plan Features: The free plan is quite basic and might not be sufficient for teams needing more than just the fundamental project management tools.

  • Overwhelming for Simple Projects: For teams with simple project management needs, the extensive features and options might be more than necessary, leading to the underutilization of the platform.

  • Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Being a cloud-based platform, requires a stable internet connection, which could be a limitation in areas with poor connectivity.

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Final Thoughts stands as a robust and versatile project management tool, offering a wealth of features suitable for a variety of team sizes and business needs. Its strengths lie in its customizable workflows, collaboration tools, and integration capabilities. However, potential users must weigh these benefits against its pricing, especially for small teams or those with simpler project needs.

Ultimately, the decision to choose should be based on aligning its features with your specific project management requirements and budget. For those seeking a comprehensive, user-friendly tool to enhance team productivity, presents a compelling option.

Go check out what consumers rated and reviewed monday. com on Digital Products. Feel free to share your opinions as well!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can support large-scale projects and enterprises?

Yes, is designed to support large-scale projects and enterprises, especially with its Pro and Enterprise plans offering advanced features and customization options suitable for complex workflows.

Is suitable for small businesses or startups?

Absolutely. offers an Individual Plan that is free and a Basic Plan that is budget-friendly, making it a viable option for small businesses or startups.

Does offer a mobile application?

Yes, has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices, offering key functionalities for managing projects on the go.

Can I integrate with other tools and software?

Yes, offers a wide range of integrations with popular tools such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and many others, enhancing its utility and efficiency.

Are there any training resources available for new users?

Yes, provides a variety of training resources including webinars, video tutorials, and a comprehensive knowledge base to help new users get started.

Does have time tracking features?

Time tracking is available in the Pro Plan of, allowing users to track the amount of time spent on tasks and projects.

Is there a free trial available for

Yes, offers a free trial, enabling users to test the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan.

How secure is for storing business data? takes data security seriously, offering features like SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and compliance with various data protection regulations, especially in its Enterprise Plan.

Can be used for non-project management purposes?

Yes, while primarily a project management tool,'s customizable workflows make it adaptable for a variety of uses, including CRM, marketing, HR management, and more.

Does offer customer support?

Yes, provides customer support via multiple channels, including email and chat, along with prioritized support in its higher-tier plans.

Disclosure: We may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links on our website if you decide to purchase a paid plan or service. You can read our affiliate disclosure, terms of use, and our privacy policy. This blog shares informational resources and opinions only for entertainment purposes, users are responsible for the actions they take and the decisions they make.

This blog may share reviews and opinions on products, services, and other digital assets. The consumer review section on this website is for consumer reviews only by real users, and information on this blog may conflict with these consumer reviews and opinions.

We may also use information from consumer reviews for articles on this blog. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times.
Please make an informed decision on your own regarding the information and data presented here.

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Disclosure: We may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links on our website if you decide to purchase a paid plan or service. You can read our affiliate disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy. Information seen in this blog may be outdated or not accurate at times. This blog shares informational resources and opinions only for entertainment purposes, users are responsible for the actions they take and the decisions they make.

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